The reflective touch screen looks like a mirror
A friendly attendant will guide the user
Touch screen will activate the camera
The screen gives the user a count down 5,4,3,2,1….time to strike a pose!
The hidden camera flashes behind the mirror
Option to sign the photo
Everyone receives an instant branded print!
Lots of options: 1 or 3 shots per photo, multiple prints and borders.
- Unlimited usage of the Party Mirror.
- Select Single Photo or Multiple Shots.
- Everyone gets a copy of their photograph.
- High quality 6X4 photo prints in seconds.
- You can customise your print; choice of border, your own signature, logo, a thank you note…. you decide.
- A box of props.
- Option to upload and tag photographs on Facebook.
- A professional, enthusiastic and friendly attendant to help your guests get the most out of their Party Mirror experience.
- ** Travel Charge may apply
- Choose a backdrop to suit your occasion.
- Guest Book with photos.
- Memory box with photos.
- Customised props.
- Digital Seating Plan (ideal for last minute changes).